武神館道場六宝 – Bujinkan Dojo Roppo (Bujinkan Dojo Six treasures)

  1. 基本八法型 – Kihon Happo Gata (the eight fundamental techniques)
  2. 三心の型 – Sanshin no kata (the three heart techniques)
  3. 無刀捕 – Muto Dori (disarming the armed opponent)
  4. 空間 – Kukan / 押える – Osaeru (control the space)
  5. 女の護身術 – Onna no goshin-jutsu (Women’s Self Defense)
  6. 共同体 – Kyodotai (community)

Masaaki Hatsumi, 2018
[Shared by Duncan Stewart]