Togakure ryu (戸隠流) [Bugei Ryuha Daijiten (武芸流派大事典); 1978]
Takamatsu Toshitsugu organized this genealogy into a densho according to the oral teachings (kuden) of Toda Shinryuken. Toda Shinryuken Isshinsai passed away in 1908 at the age of 90. According to the genealogy, a person named Ikai was the founder and split from the Hakuun ryu of Hakuun Doshi (c. 1181) and became Iga ryu and Koga ryu ninjutsu. The lineage passed to Momochi Sandayu and joined with Kishuhan Natori ryu. From Toda Nobutsuna it was transmitted through the Toda family. As it is referenced from various transmissions such as kuden, the genealogy has been embellished; it is thought the genealogy is older than the actual information presented in the sources.

Gyokko Ryu (Koshijutsu, Shitojutsu, Ninpo) 玉虎流 – 1978 Edition
Toda Sankyo Isshin is its ancestor. In the year of Tenbun (1532-1555) Sakagami Taro Kunishige received the Gyokko Ryu Shitojutsu tradition. Toda Sakyo Isshinsai established the Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu as well as the Koto Ryu Koppojutsu and taught it to Momochi Sandayu. (Momochi) taught it within the Iga Ryu Ninjutsu and it lead to Toda Shinryuken (in the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate). Shinryuken Masamitsu passed away in Meiji 40 at the age of 90 years. Please consult the (listing for) Koto Ryu Koppojutsu.

Koto Ryu (Koppo) 虎倒流 – 1978 Edition
It is said that the origin of koppo comes from ancient China, and that Cho Busho taught it to our country. Afterwards the tradition went to the Iga Ryu Ninjutsu. It said that its restoration occurred in the Tenbun Era (1532-1555) as Toda Sankyu Isshinsai taught Momochi Sandayu (according to Toda Shinryuken’s kuden). Furthermore, consult the kyoho article as well as the (listing for) Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu.


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